
Friday 23 October 2015


 We have been learning about  four point check the thing we did first is how to check your bike.
The thing I found hard was putting on the helmet how I overcame it was getting help from Mr Margetts.
I chose this because the Bigfoot adventure people came to teach how to be safe on a bike.
It was fun because we got to ride a bike.


  1. Good choice of pictures Ronnie. Where do you think your numbers should be?

  2. Really good remembering Ronnie!I really liked how you put up pictures so people know what you are talking about.And I agree with Mr maybe you should put the numbers in the right place?Thanks
    From Caroline

  3. Great job Ronnie,I really liked how you made it simple and clear and you took your time ,great job
    Come and check my blog and follow me at the right part I mean left part chur chur chur


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